Zoios ApS of Rådhusstræde 6, 1466 Copenhagen K, Denmark. (collectively,  “Zoios Inc.” / “Zoios” / “we” / “our” / “us”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

<aside> <img src="/icons/shield_green.svg" alt="/icons/shield_green.svg" width="40px" /> SOC-2 Compliance Certification. This certification is a verification of the extreme care we take at Zoios to protect both your personal data and the company (your employer’s) data. Zoios has already undergone penetration tests, data security scrutiny by experts and formalized processes in line with the SOC-2 compliance guidelines. Zoios will undergo three consecutive months of supervision from auditors and complete the auditing process will be within the year (2024).


<aside> <img src="/icons/snippet_green.svg" alt="/icons/snippet_green.svg" width="40px" /> Encryption end-to-end. Your personal data is encrypted end-to-end.


Important information.

Purpose of this Privacy Policy.

Zoios has entered into an agreement with your employer (“Employer Agreement”) to grant you access to the Zoios platform (“Platform”) and/or to complete surveys or otherwise use the Platform. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect and process your personal data.

References in this Privacy Policy to “your employer” shall refer to the entity who has entered into the Employer Agreement with us. You will typically be an employee, officer, contractor or consultant of a Zoios client.

Our status and responsibilities.

Your employer is the data controller for the purposes of personal data processed under this Privacy Policy. Zoios will process your personal data on behalf of your employer and in accordance with its lawful instructions including GDPR.

The information you provide to us and/or upload to the Platform (whether or not it constitutes personal data) will also be governed by the Employer Agreement.

Where Zoios acts as a data controller; for example, where you receive marketing communications from us, or we monitor Platform usage.

For information on how to contact us, please see the “how to contact us” section below.

Personal data we collect and how we collect it.

We will collect and process the following personal data about you:

Information you give us.

You may give us information about you: A) When using the Platform’s functions, including by filling in forms, providing individual feedback or completing surveys on or via the Platform. The extent of the information collected in surveys is decided by and set by your employer. This information may, but certainly does not have to, include your name, photo, age, company email address, company telephone number, job title, level of seniority, department, work start date, salary, birth year, boss, personality type and primary office location, as well as any views/comments you provide to us about you or your colleagues’ performance in your respective roles, or information regarding your employer, your colleagues or other third parties during the course of completing surveys or otherwise using the Platform. B) If you contact or correspond with us (for example, using any support function made available by us) and we may keep a record of that correspondence (either directly or through our service providers). Any comments, opinions and/or feedback you provide to us regarding the Platform, for example during any trial or beta period that you may participate in, when providing NPS scores or participating in research panels.

Information your employer gives us.

Your employer may give us information about you: When creating a user profile for you in order to enable you to access the Platform under the Employer Agreement (whether on a trial or full basis) or to enable us to send surveys, individual feedback requests and similar communications to you.

This information may, but certainly does not have to, include your name, photo, age, company email address, company telephone number, job title, level of seniority, department, work start date, salary, birth year, boss, personality type and primary office location.