A practical guide.

  1. Show the employees the driver scores (and remind them what each driver is about). Consider only showing the drivers with the lowest scores/ the two drivers, you need to focus on in your team.
  2. Ask the employees to discuss the following questions and leave the room for 20 minutes giving the employees a room to speak more freely: “What do you think might be the reasoning for us scoring x on x driver(s)?” ”What do we then need to improve this well-being driver in our team?” “How can our manager support us on this?” “What can we do as a team to improve our well-being in regards to this?”
  3. Come back into the room.
  4. Ask the employees if there is one employee who wants to summarize what they discussed/concluded.
  5. Listen and take notes.
  6. Together with the employees, agree on an action plan with some simple next steps on what to do from here - based on what they discussed when you were not in the room.

<aside> ✔️ You can do this exercise regularly, e.g. quarterly. But in the meantime, make sure to share the monthly data and follow up on your agreements and action plan to make sure you are on track.


Commitment levels of working with the data in your team:

Depending on how committed you are as a manager to making your employees respond to the well-being survey and to spending energy improving the well-being of your team, below you’ll find some different levels of working with the data in your team - respectively on an individual level and a collective level.
